Monday, September 4, 2017

Reflections on DACA

It's amazing.  When Barack Obama first initiated the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the Republican Party had a collective fit.  They were outraged!  It was the worst example of an out of control executive in the history of our country!  Instead of using the executive power to do legitimate things like indefinite detention, warrantless surveillance or torture, Obama was using it refrain from deporting people brought illegally to the US as children!  Never was there such an example of executive usurpation threatening the rule of law or constitutional liberty!  Why, it was worse than Obamacare, even, because at least Obamacare was passed by Congress!

And then, as we know, a funny thing happened with Obamacare repeal.  Faced with the real life prospect of stripping 20 million people of their health insurance, Republicans got cold feet.  They realized that their own constituents would frequently suffer.  And they ended up taking a pass on the legislation.

Well, guess what.  That tape is playing again.  Now that Donald Trump is proposing to reverse DACA, leaving people who applied vulnerable to deportation, suddenly Republicans aren't so enthusiastic after all.  Suddenly ending DACA is cruel and inhumane.  Republican leaders in Congress are starting to talk about passing legislation to make it official.

Words fail me.

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