Sunday, September 17, 2023

All Right, I'll Address the Age Issue

 So, is Joe Biden too old to be President?  Should he step aside and let somebody younger take over?

It's a tough call. I do think the concern is legitimate.  I also think there are things he can do to reassure people that he is still all there, like get out more. He should not give formal speeches, which can be dismissed as just reading off the teleprompter, but should do more informal, give-and-take events that clearly demonstrate thinking on his feet.  He should not focus on a single dramatic event to change that narrative.  That doesn't work.  What does work is the slow drip, drip, drip of being regularly seen in public and showing he can think on his feet.

This is not without risk.  Biden walks like an old man, and that creates an impression.  And it is really not possible to avoid doing something -- anything -- that can be shown out of context.  But above all else, even if Biden convinces people he is able to handle being President now, there is no guarantee that he will still be up to the job through the end of 2028.  The government can run itself reasonably well without leadership at the top -- the Reagan and Trump Administrations both demonstrate that -- but leadership at the top really is useful, especially in a crisis.

But here is the real deciding factor for me.  I might favor running a new candidate if I thought it would matter. But it won't.  I 100% guarantee, it does not matter who the candidate is, any Democratic candidate will immediately walk straight into the crosshairs of the Right Wing Noise Machine and become the worst person who ever lived, and definitely the worst possible candidate.  Don't forget that Democrats picked Biden in 2020 because he was the Won't Freak Out MAGA candidate.  It took a while, but MAGA started freaking out soon enough.  

Democrats need to learn that and learn it now.  Stop focusing on the candidate and start figuring out how to deal with the Great Right Wing Noise Machine.  Because until you learn a strategy for that, you are operating at a hopeless disadvantage, regardless of candidate.

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