Monday, April 15, 2013

A Brief Note on the Boston Marathon Bombings

This is terrible!  My condolences to everyone involved.  A few reflections.

(1)  I suppose this is the Big One we have all been dreading.  I haven't seen such a reaction since 9/11.

(2)  Then again, people responded to 9/11 with fear, which is certainly understandable.  This time, we are seeing more of a sense of they can't intimidate us.  We will continue with our lives.  It is good to hear.

(3)  Congratulations to the people of the United States in general and Boston in particular for pulling together and all stepping forward to do our best.

(4)  We don't know who did this.  The careful coordination of multiple bombs sounds like Al-Qaeda.  But I don't think Al-Qaeda has any interest in the Boston Marathon.  Then again, I don't believe it is someone upset over the proposed gun restrictions exercising "Second Amendment rights" because I would expect such an attack to target the federal government.  Nor would I expect this sort of coordination.  My bet is on domestic Muslim terrorists from the Boston area.  We will see.

(5)  Sometimes I hate the continual news updates we get these days.  After the first attack on the World Trade Center, people expected it to take months to find out who was responsible and it seemed very impressive that the FBI solved it in six days.  The Oklahoma City Bombing was even more impressive -- it was resolved in 48 hours.  And no one ever much doubted who was behind 9-11.  But now I'm checking the Net every half hour or so to see if they have found anything out.

(6)  And finally, I am really dreading the political fallout from this.  Wait for more calls for yet more harsh measures against Muslims.

But most of all, this is terrible.  My condolences to everyone involved.

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