Wednesday, August 28, 2024

I Don't Care if Trump Loses His Mind. I Just Want Him to Lose the Election.


George Conway, the Lincoln Project, and others are looking for more and more ways to torment Donald Trump until he completely loses his mind.  They use terms like "narcissistic injury" and "decompensation," but the ultimate goal is clearly to drive him around the bend. 

I have problems with this.  First of all, it's not nice to make someone lose their mind, even if that person is Donald Trump.

Second, and more important for our country's future, the goal here should not be to make Donald Trump lose his mind.  It should be to make him lose the election.  Trump's tormentors are forgetting this distinction.

Presumably they would say that making Trump lose his mind if the most effective way to make him lose the election.  I am not so sure.  After all, he has been ranting about Hannibal Lector and sharks and who knows what else for months without any serious political consequences.

If the goal is to make Trump lose his mind as a means to making him lose the election, at a minimum, he will have to lose his mind in public.  And somehow, no matter how nutty he acts, all it seems to provoke in response is a collective yawn.  Personally, I think he could jump up and down and squawk like a chicken and most people would just shrug and say, "That's Trump for you."

Second of all, would it matter?  I am with Bill Maher, who said he would vote for Biden's head in a jar of blue liquid ahead of Trump.  Presumably there are any number of people on the other side who would vote for Trump jumping up and down and squawking like a chicken over any Democrat.  

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