Sunday, June 16, 2024

What if Biden Wins and is Certified?

I have given Trump advice on how to not and say he did.  If Joe Biden manages to win and to be confirmed, would my advice to him be the same?  

Taking into account that Biden is a Democrat and Trump is a Republican, my advice would be substantially similar.  

I would advice both to leave things as they are on the economy and gas prices and take credit for an improving situation.  I recommended supporting a federal anti-carjack statute for Trump, and it would probably work for Biden as well.  Regardless of who is President, I do expect the Gaza war to subside into an occupation and low-grade insurgency.  Regardless of who is President, we need to set up a consistent system for arming Ukraine with Russian money because sooner or later someone is bound to undercut it.

The differences would be in detail, but they would exist.  For instance, I would expect Trump, but not Biden, to federalize law enforcement in Washington, DC.  While I would encourage both to make a deal with the Fed to swap fiscal consolidation for reduced interest rates, I do recognize they will undertake different kinds of fiscal consolidation.  Trump will doubtless focus on preserving tax cuts and letting spending increases expire.  I would expect Biden to let tax cuts expire at the higher levels, keep the increase in Obamacare subsidies, and phase out infrastructure and local government subsidies.  I would expect Trump's immigration policy to consist entirely of increasing border security and cutting asylum admissions, while Biden would increase opportunities to apply for asylum from afar while cracking down on unauthorized border crossing.  Total asylum admissions, work visas, and humanitarian patrols would no doubt be greater under Biden than under Trump even at his most generous.

And, of course, the two men would appoint very different federal judges.  But yes, the real difference under my proposal is in who they would prosecute.

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