Thursday, June 27, 2024

On the Debate

 Simple.  It was a pure, absolute, unmitigated disaster.  Biden tried to sound energetic, talked too fast, and just sounded like he was on stimulants.  He glitched several times and did not seem to understand what he was saying.  

Point of contrast: In the Biden-Palin debate in 2008, I got the impression that it was a debate between a candidate with a serious, in-depth knowledge of policy and one who was reciting canned talking points.  This time, Biden came across as the one reciting pre-rehearsed lines.

Up till now I was skeptical about claims of cognitive decline.  He seemed alert an knowledgeable during the State of the Union, interviews, the written notes from the Robert Hur investigation, and so forth.

This one just seems to confirm the absolute worst fears.  A pollster leading a focus group of undecided voters quoted one as saying, "I don't know if Biden can make it to November."  They called on him to resign.  It was that bad.

I think tonight is the night Trump wrapped up the election.  I would not even rule out a Reaganesque landslide.  

We need to work on Plan B NOW!

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