Sunday, July 18, 2021

What are the Republicans Doing?

Some people have expressed puzzlement at Republican attempts to make voting harder, especially for minorities.  After all, Republicans actually did quite well in the 2020 election, except at the presidential level.  The election proved that high turnout does not necessarily favor Democrats, the Republicans can compete just fine in a high turnout election.  Furthermore, Republicans clearly improved their performance among minorities, so why try to disenfranchise their own voters.

My only half-sarcastic suggestion is as follows.  Republicans, after decades of despairing over how to win the minority vote, have finally found the secret. To win the minority vote, you have to act really, really racist.  At least, it seems to have worked for Trump.  Calling immigrants drug dealers, rapists and animals and urging brutality against them turns out to be a good way to win the Hispanic/Latino vote.  Disastrous response to a hurricane in Puerto Rico turns out to be a good way to win the Puerto Rican vote.  Warning that if Democrats win Cory Booker will send low income urban dwellers to destroy the suburbs has made headway with black voters.  Talk about the "China virus" and the "kung flu" has been successful with Asian voters.

So maybe Republicans are confident that a strong effort to disenfranchise minority voters with inspire them to turn out -- for Republicans.

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