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At least it pissed off liberals |
to the Republicans in Congress! They finally have a legislative
achievement! Not that they actually passed anything, you understand, but they have made a significant achievement without passing any legislation at all!
Although their repeated
efforts to strip 20 to 30 million people of their health insurance have failed,
by putting all their energy into the attempt they have managed to avoid funding
the Children's Health Insurance Plan (CHIP) program and thereby at least strip 9 million children of their
health insurance. Furthermore, Trump’s
effort at sabotage of the exchanges continues apace. Granted, he has not managed to crash them
altogether, but give him time. Already neglect has managed to raise premiums by 30% in many states. Any by shortening
the enrollment period by half, cutting off all public announcement about it,
and cutting off all federal attempts at enrollment, he should manage to
significantly reduce the number of people enrolled. Even if he only manages to cut enrollment in
the exchanges by one million, that will raise the total number of uninsured by
10 million, and you will be halfway home in the first year of his
administration. Not bad, when you
consider that it took Obama a full eight years to lower the number of uninsured
by 20 million! And if he does manage to
crash the exchanges by the end of this term, then without passing any
legislation whatever, you will have succeeded in stripping 19 million people of
their health insurance, which is just one million short of the minimum
goal. Close enough for government work!
And if any Republicans object that they are not seeking to raise the number of uninsured, I can only answer that by their fruits ye shall know them.
Having universal health coverage has been a longstanding Democratic goal
since Truman’s day. Regardless of what
form it has taken, Republicans have inevitably denounced it as an intolerable
threat to liberty. Ronald Reagan
crusaded against Medicare as the end of all freedom. Under the Clinton Administration, Republican strategist Bill Kristol warned Republicans not to agree to any form of universal coverage for
fear of making is seem acceptable. When
Democrats finally got their opportunity under the Obama Administration, the
moderate Republican Chuck Grassley made clear that Republicans would not vote
for the proposal no matter what was in it.
Once Obamacare passed, Republicans made destroying this atrocity their
top priority for seven years. They filed
suit to block it. They voted countless
times to repeal it, even though doing so would strip 20 million people of their
health insurance. They refused to set up
exchanges. They took down exchanges
Democratic governors had set up. They
did their utmost to interfere with enrollment in the exchanges. They rejected the Medicaid expansion. They filed suit to prevent people in states
with federally run exchanges from receiving subsidies. And now that Republicans control all branches
of the federal government, they have made repeated attempts to introduced
repeal legislation that will strip 20 to 30 million people of their health
insurance, while the Trump Administration does everything in its power to crash
the exchanges and take insurance from at least 10 million.
After all
this, only one conclusion is possible.
Republicans consider having a large uninsured population to be an
important matter of moral principle.
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