Sunday, July 19, 2020

"But Her E-Mails" Rides Again

Look, I have officially gone on record warning against catastrophizing everything Donald Trump does for fear of looking like Chicken Little.  I warned that if we kept screaming disaster and nothing disastrous happened, people would stop listening.  This was not to deny that bad things could come of Trump's policies over time, but they were small accumulations occurring slowly, not major disasters.  And this meant cutting out "But Her Emails' jokes. 

"But her e-mails" jokes show some catastrophe befalling the country under Donald Trump and the anti-anti-Trump response of, "but her e-mails."  This is in response to the 2016 election in which there was no accusation against Trump, none, that he could not turn back to the matter of Hillary's e-mails.  If Donald Trump has shot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue, when asked about it he would have responded that out of a nation of 300 million, he killed just one person, whereas Hillary put us all in danger by her careless handling of classified information.

The usual "but her emails" shows a flood with the comment on a sign, as shown above.  But there have been other versions as well, showing drought, fire, freezing, and nuclear war.

For a while I tried replacing "But her e-mails" with "At least we got a tax cut," ultimately I went ahead and retired the category, except when talking about the actual subject of e-mails or other careless handling of classified information.

Well, that time is up.  The hypothetical disasters may not have come about be we have more than enough real ones on our hands -- pandemic, depression, riots, and military-looking federal forces seizing protesters into unmarked cars.  I get that no one is thinking about Hillary's e-mails now, but I say it is time to bring the category back, with real disasters instead of imaginary ones.  I plan to start posting my own versions quite regularly:

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