Sunday, October 14, 2018

A Note to the People of the Florida Panhandle

A note to the good people of the Florida panhandle.  As the good people of Louisiana could tell you:  If you are going to have a natural disaster, don't have it in the run-up to an election.  The elite media will be too distracted by the election to call attention to your situation, so help will not be on its way.

And a note to our elite media:  Come on guys!  I don't buy the argument that people in the New York to Washington corridor are less authentic and "real American" than the rest of us, but the rest of us really do exist and you have an unfortunate tendency to forget that fact.  Until you can remember it on a regular basis, and not just to scratch your heads over why Trump was elected, the rest of us will have legitimate grievances about you.

PS:  That does not mean that our elite media ignoring the hurricane is why Donald Trump was elected.  That would make sense only if he cared more about the hurricane than our elite media does, which I see no evidence to support.  In fact, Trump seems aware that the country exists at all only to the extent that it appears of Fox News.

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