Buck has gone off to the U.N. to warn Chaim Rosensweig that Stonagal and Cothran are going to use his formula to corner the market on food. Buck arrives just in time to see Carpathia elected Secretary General. As Buck heads to see Rosensweig, the same sinister assassin who has been stalking Buck but taking care not to kill him steps in the way. He is under orders not to let Rosensweig be disturbed. We do not learn what dreadful fate he has in mind for Buck because Hattie, now dressed in a suit with her hair in a bun, intervenes. She is no match for him in a muscle and intimidation contest, but she says she acts on behalf of Carpathia, so he backs down. In the book, Hattie promptly becomes Carpathia's kept woman. Here, there is nothing to suggest their relationship is anything but purely professional. She is radiantly happy in her new job. A little too happy. And her admiration of Carpathia is a little too worshipful. Clearly she, too, has fallen under his spell and is under his mind control.
Buck reports the plan to Rosensweig, who is suitably horrified and says they will have to tell Carpathia. Carpathia reads it on Buck's laptop and is stunned. He paces about, appalled, saying it is unbelievable, and how painful it is to turn against his mentors and his friends. But he agrees that Buck has no reason to lie and orders the story published. Conspiracy exposed! Catastrophy averted! Buck breathes a sigh of relief as Carpathia leaves to have it done.
His relief is short-lived. No sooner has Carpathia left, then Buck sees that Rosensweig has the plans for the Jewish Temple. Buck is alarmed. Rosensweig assures him that they won't have to tear down the Dome of the Rock after all; the Temple's true location is right next to it. He makes clear that this is every Jew and Israeli's fondest dream. I'm not convinced. Yes, in theory every Jew is supposed to live for the day the Temple can be rebuilt. Some would actually do it if only that pesky mosque were not in the way. But others believe that only the Messiah can rebuild the Temple, and that to rebuild it without the Messiah would be blasphemy. And others recall that rebuilding the Temple would mean a return to an archaic religion of priesthoods, incense, and animal sacrifices and kind of sort of don't really want it back. Naturally all this gets glossed over. Rosensweig is a little uncertain what will happen now that the conspiracy has been exposed.
"We proceed," says Carpathia, walking in. He says they will make food for everyone and begin rebuilding of the Jewish Temple as planned. "This marks the beginning of our seven years of peace." Buck realizes now it is all true!
This is nuts! I can't think of anyone, the Antichrist included, who would say such a thing! Granted, people do sometimes negotiate temporary cease-fires. But the goal is, in all cases, to use the break to agree to something more permanent. Often the attempt fails. But to specifically negotiate a seven year peace, intending from the beginning for it to fail?!? After all, as one commenter on the site remarked, when you say you are marking the beginning of seven years of peace, that means you intend to start a war in seven years. But that's sheer lunacy! It makes no sense, no whatever, if you intend to start a war to run around giving people seven years advance notice! That gives them seven years to prepare for it. I suppose, once again, one might say that Carpathia had read ahead and knows that the Battle of Armageddon lies ahead seven years from now. But if he knows that, why doesn't he know how it turns out? And, for the love of Mike, given that he knows the outcome, why is he going along with it?!?!?
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